Good Legal Interpreting Glossaries

For the past year or so, I have been studying seriously to try to learn Legal English and Legal Spanish. Two completely new languages for me that have taken a lot of time and energy to learn. Interpreting is alone partially about terminology. When I first started I thought that the terminology would be the major difficulty. In fact, it is only step one: then there's grammar and memory and retention and phrasing and intonation and ethics and a million other important items. However, step one remains terminology; in fact, it is step one every day that an interpreter is working because one has to constantly be thinking about the terms used and how well they convey the specific meanign in question.

In any case, I have spent days searching for good legal terminology glossaries. I have already posted a good glossary for immigration interpreting. But here are links to several more glossaries that I have found helpful:

State of Washington Legal Glossary

Vera Project's Translating Justice: A Spanish Glossary for New York City

New Jersey Glossary of Legal Terms

If you have any more good ones, please let me know.

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