Let's write like we were in the thick. That gray mass of space and air bamboo and dust. We can't float long no we crash into the mist. I wouldn't have ever made the team. La madre y su hija hoy en la mañana las vi frente al Family Dollar. Estaban llorando. The mom obviously struck a nerve. When we all went spinning out to the margins. Estás tan lleno de emoción que you're gonna burst. I saw you there at the bus stop or where it used to be before they took out the bench and left two square holes where the posts used to be. Me aburro tanto cuando se duerman los niños. The girl's favorite star is Johnny Depp but all the homies she ever gets with don't live up to her high standards. Those guys couldn't swashbuckle, just crybabies. At the corner at the taquería we go there to pig out on Sundays when mom's not trying to cook. Johnny likes his chicken nuggets with syrup. Stop. The crickets idle on bubble gum wrappers. The dog's weights depresses the porch's foundation. The weeds grow up in the edges where the cars can't park. We wandered through like kids again, wondering about babies and burrs.

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