Cut-Up Racist Laws!

My friend and famed Librotraficante put out a call on Facebook for people to cut up two laws: Florida's Stand Your Ground law and Arizona's anti-education, anti-book law that prohibited Mexican-American Studies in Tucson (Text of that law here). 

Here's what he said on Facebook:

And yesterday, I came up with this (click to enlarge):

Thanks, Harbeer, for the prompt. Let's make more!

Take their words! Reconstruct them! Resignify these awful texts!

3 comentarios:

wacky peacemaking dijo...

What a concept. We are making our voices heard. For those who would like to bring their art, their poems, their presence and voices--come Sunday, April 1st to The University Museum at Texas Southern University. We need a diverse group to get together, tape our work. This is the last day of 1000 Words | 1000 Kalema Exhibition where a picture is worth is thousand words. Whoever shall share their narratives can tell a story that will reverberate for 7 generations. Go, Go, Go! Gracias. Palabras! Words! Kalema! Words!

K. Lorraine Graham dijo...

I love the cluser of "chool"s near "grouping of/language,"

John Pluecker dijo...

Thanks friends.

PK - Send me more info! Time?

KL - Yeah, and "chool" is pronounced "cho-ol" like a Mayan word. :)