TACOCAT Uno has just published some texts from a larger set of work of mine called "A Manual for Living a Line." Here's some info on the super-cool project:

TACOCAT, a cartonera, was produced in a quick n' dirty fashion from salvaged materials by Greater Than Or Equal To Press out of San Diego, CA on the occasion of the Durruti Free Skools in Berkeley and San Diego. TACOCAT seeks to align itself with proles, salsa and pop rocks, wave patterns and you know, gatos.

What we're interested in, mas y mas: experimental poems, translations, dérives, short critical essays on radical politics and poetics, essays on the politics and poetics of the Inland Empire, San Diego, Los Angeles and/or Mexico (historical materialism, direct action, tactics, space and the border, architecture, technology and aesthetics) visual poems and calligrammes, black and white artwork or collages, manifestos or anti-manifestos, communiqués and comix. Deranged kittens. Contemplations. Spry anti-lyric lyric. "Grimy froth."

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